Lewistown MT Ranch Real Estate Video | Fay Ranches | Drone 4K Footage

Published: July 17, 2019
Author/Pilot: Dallas Fischer

MDC completed a ranch real estate video for Fay Ranches just outside Lewistown, Montana. MDC continues to do dozens of real estate videos for Montana ranches for sale. MDC also helped with the script writing and sourcing of voiceover talent to complete this video production.

Looking for a Montana property for sale with great fishing, livestock production and an immaculate custom home? Check out the Big Spring Sporting Ranch for sale near Lewistown, MT which features amazing fishing and mountain views.

Central Montana is known for its upland bird hunting and the current owners of this property have made great efforts to create and enhance wildlife habitat that supports not only a strong population of pheasants, sharptail and Hungarian partridge, but also outstanding deer hunting opportunities on their lush hay bottoms. Coyote Creek also fingers off of Cottonwood Creek on the southern side of the property and, although it is not a fishery, it does run cold clear spring water all year around benefiting both the wildlife and trout of the ranch. The Big and Little Snowy Mountains are to the south and hold some of the most beautiful scenery in all of Montana with the Judith Basin spreading out to the north, west and east like a huge landscape mural, this area has so much to offer and Big Spring Sporting Ranch is right in the heart of it all.

Contact Fay Ranches at 1-800-238-8616.

Lewistown MT Ranch Real Estate Video | Fay Ranches | Drone 4K Footage