Can You Use Drones While Hunting? Drone Laws for Scouting Animals
Ever considered using a drone while you are out hunting? Be sure that you are following all the necessary drone laws and regulations by watching this video! Helena Drone Pilot Schwartz breaks down some Montana Drone Laws in hunting.

Local Drone Laws | Traveling With Your Drone and Flying Safely
Do you know about your areas local drone laws? Helena Drone Pilot #PilotSchwartz shows us where to go to find them and his own experiences flying drones while out on vacation.

How cold of weather can you fly your drone?
Pilot Fischer highlights the past couple of weeks where he went from 60 degrees to -6 and back to 32 for a range of video projects. How cold of weather can you fly your drone? Montana Drone Company continues to perform flights for all kinds of projects throughout the winter even during some cold temperatures.

2020 Christmas Light Show | Into The Unknown (Panic At The Disco)
Pilot Schwartz shows a behind the scenes perspective of the Vukonich Family Lights. Drone night flights are becoming more and more common and Montana Drone Company shows you exactly how to do it safely!

Screen Brightness Vs. Screen Size | Combating Sunlight While Flying
#PilotSchwartz shows just why you might see a Montana Drone Company pilot in the field with a smaller screen. It all comes down to screen brightness and the nits!

Drone Video Recording Tips
Montana drone pilot TJ Schwartz gives some video tips on how to properly shoot drone footage for all those who may have acquired a drone over the holiday season. Try not to simply rotate the drone and instead pick an object of interest. Also watch your propellers do not show up in the drone shot.

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