Can You Use Drones While Hunting? Drone Laws for Scouting Animals
Ever considered using a drone while you are out hunting? Be sure that you are following all the necessary drone laws and regulations by watching this video! Helena Drone Pilot Schwartz breaks down some Montana Drone Laws in hunting.

Local Drone Laws | Traveling With Your Drone and Flying Safely
Do you know about your areas local drone laws? Helena Drone Pilot #PilotSchwartz shows us where to go to find them and his own experiences flying drones while out on vacation.

What is a TFR? Temporary Flight Restrictions
A TFR is an acronym for Temporary Flight Restriction. TFRs are issued by the FAA to restrict aircraft operations within designated areas. A TFR is issued almost immediately around any disaster where emergency air traffic is needed to fly in the area. One of the things that results in a TFR is a forest wildfire.

Basic FAA Drone Part 107 Rules & Quick Reference
Basic FAA Drone Part 107 Rules including exact FAA statements about operation form a moving vehicle, daylight operation, visual line of sight, visual observer, operation over human beings, operation in vicinity of airports, and more.

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