This year once again Montana Drone Company found themselves teaming up with Vukonich Family Lights to show a unique aerial perspective on their fantastic Christmas light show! Vukonich Family Lights puts on their show for the Helena Montana area each holiday season bringing in thousands of viewers from all across the valley and even sometimes outside of it. Ben Vukonich and his family setup and often times program the display all by hand making the show all that more impressive. Run Run Rudolph by Kelly Clarkson was this years choice for the program.
Montana Drone Company always makes sure to acquire a night waiver for these flights and to equip our drones with anti-collision lighting that is appropriately rated for five statute miles. Montana Drone Company also has professional certified commercial drone pilots to carry out these missions. This year Montana Drone Company pilot Anthony Schwartz (#PilotSchwartz) used our newest model to capture footage, the DJI Mavic 3. Our experience flying the Mavic 3 has been extremely positive. Flying during the day the camera shows brighter colors, deeper blacks, and overall a crispness in the video not before seen. The Mavic 3 has a brand new camera sensor that boasts increased light capture in low light settings making it the perfect choice for this years Christmas light show night flight.
If you or anyone you know has any ideas for other night flight avenues or any other drone projects ranging from real estate drone shoots to drone filming for events, be sure to let us know through our contact form or give us a call!